Wednesday, January 15, 2014

To Make an End is to Make a Beginning

          New stuffs for New Year is for some. "New Year. Gonna need to change," some say. There are also people that are very fond in making resolutions but not in fulfilling it. Everyone of us has our own perspective when it comes to New Year. 

     New Year always seemed to me as a beginning of a new cycle. But this year, it will be a way to the path of self-development BUT I never write detailed resolutions. The most important thing is I know how will I manage everything and understanding my plans for the future
        But you don't need to wait for a  new year again. It's not necessary to wait for that time for you to start all over. You're not going to begin again next year instead continue what you've started for your self-improvement or self-development until the end.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

"The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday." -Unknown